Saturday, June 25, 2011

Off The Pill

As I mentioned in my first post, I have ADHD, I take medication for it but it's not required everyday. So on days I don't go to school I don't take my meds, I figure I'll do an off the pill post every Friday (Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!) or Saturday (the next day). For the record, things in parenthesis are my inner monologue. But what do I write!? D: I don't know! Oh no! (I knooooow! Hehe, Family Guy). Oh I know, Mountain Dew does not mix well with ADHD meds, I get way to frakking hyper, more than I normally do without meds. So... Mountain Dew is forbidden on school days. Which sucks because I love it and feel deprived and go through withdrawals (hehe sounds like narwhals *plays Narwhals song*) and I think like "OMFG I need my Dewwwwww!" Like this:

Well, except for the speaking in Japanese, but the symptoms are pretty much the same.

Along with hyperness and lack of a wide range of concentration, I also get little obsessions with things that can actually hold my interest, Friday and today it was the Literal Assassin's Creed Revelations Trailer by Tobuscus. I've watched it obsessively probably close to thirty-five times and pretty close to being able to sing the whole thing without the video as assistance (as I can do with the Literal Assassin's Creed Brotherhood video, I know that one so well it's scary). And talk about a lack of concentration, it took thirty minutes to write this paragraph because the TV distracted me. Oh look Svengoolie's showing The Invisible Man, sweet.

My crops are ready, woot. Thank god for email notifications on my phone, gah, I freaked out a little earlier today because I was out when my crops were ready and I was worried that they would wither. And I would never have cared about stupid farmville if my girlfriend hadn't made me get a farm to send her things, then she made it look all pretty and planted crops and then I was all "Well I can't let them die." (sure, I care about virtual plants but can't take care of real ones) and then I just submitted to the power of farmville, all glory to the hypno toad.

Farmville isn't the only thing she's won with, Neopets too and, (oh it pains me to say this) she's gotten me to tolerate Twilight -_- Go Team Jacob. (he's a gorram shifter, not a werewolf *huffs*) He's lucky he's a Native and a wolf or I wouldn't like him, just bleeeeeeeeh, I'll have another post for just Twilight too I bet. Maybe more. That pretty much ends my off the pill post.... Yup, I'm done.


  1. I thought you were referring to birth control. I was about to be mad.

  2. You are too funny Emily. I love how your topics vary a lot when you are off your pill. You said you hated Twilight so how did she get to you tolerate it?
