Monday, July 22, 2013

I'm not dead yet!

So I've been neglecting this poor blog for a while. A long while. But I've decided recently that I need to get back into it, I think it'll be really good for me. I want to catch you all up on what's been happening in my life, and this... Well, might have to be several posts. I'll try to keep from rambling too much, and try to keep it down to the important things.

Here we go, cue music!


So it's been about two years since my last post. Wow. I really dropped the ball, huh? Lets see how well my memory recalls the last two years, shall we?


So after my summer classes, for which this blog was created, I tried to continue my college experience in the fall. I was confident, since I finally had the ADHD diagnosis and had medication that worked. But, I was a tad over confident. I made some stupid mistakes like taking night classes, and taking math. Now my logic for taking night classes was: "I'm very active at night, I'm also an insomniac, night classes will be great!" What I didn't realize at that time was, my medication doesn't really work at night, and my brain might be more active at night, but it's active on a creative level, not a learning level.

So I basically set myself up to fail from the get go. Needless to say, I didn't do that well in my classes. And I failed college. Again. Sigh.

There's a bunch of sadness after that, like a year of it. Self doubt and depression. I was suspended from college for a whole year, and I failed again to find a job. I'm really kind of damned on that. I don't really have much job experience, and I need that for a job. I can't pay for my education (thus sending me deeper into debt) because I don't have a job, and I need an education for a job. You see my problem? Factor in that I do not have a driver's license, thereby cutting down the places I can apply to to being within walking distance or on a bus line, I'm still screwed.

But in the fall of 2012, I was blessed with a job at my local Boys & Girls Club, running the art room. I got a job y'all! Now I more or less enjoy working with kids. I've always been really good with them for some reason, very few times have I found a kid who was apathetic or hated me. And getting to do what I love, art, and sharing it with these kids was awesome. I had okay hours, about 3.5 hours a day for the weekday. Things were going great until I was unfairly let go.

It was another major blow to my ego. I failed at school. I failed at finding a job, until I actually got one. But then I failed at my job too. Back into depression I go!

Now I haven't really gotten out of the depression hole, but I do have the occasional surfacing, like a majestic humpback whale before I plummet back to into the dark depths to eat my feels with krill.

One such occasion was for my brother's wedding, of which I was a bridesmaid. That's right, my big brother got married and I even put on a dress for it! (I was given the option to wear pants, but my girlfriend talked me into a dress, and I'm sure the bride appreciated it.)

She told me to harness my inner Goddess. I told her my inner Goddess likes pants.

And if you're wondering about my girlfriend, don't worry, there's a whole post for her coming up next!

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