Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Can't be productive...

Because I'm worried!

Sooooooooooo, I can't be productive when I'm worried. Why am I worried? I haven't heard from my girlfriend in close to four hours. No texts. She's not online. And I can't reach her by phone. I have no car, and even if I did, she's in Illinois.... Frak you MSN, making me think she signed in when it was someone else. -___- So yeah, I can't concentrate enough to work on anything that needs my focus. I'm reduced to the most mind numbing pogo games because I need to do something besides constantly check my phone and lose my mind from worry.

It better not be my phone being fraktarded again. -__- Like last Wednesday where it was useless for a day, not sending my texts but not giving a failed message warning. And not receiving texts. And not connecting to the internet. And not sending or receiving calls. But still, even then she'd be online right? Gahhh!

I try not to freak out... Like maybe her battery's dead and she's away from home... But it's 11:48pm and and and it's been four hours, and she usually shoots a warning like "phone batts almost dead" so I then at least know that when she's away from home and suddenly stops texting that her phone is dead. But I don't know that now, I had no warning. I am worried and unproductive and just -_______- Pretty much useless when all I can think is "What the frak happened to her? Is she okay? Am I being my normal over paranoid self?" and so on and so forth. I don't know if I'll even get sleep if I don't know if she's alright.

I love you Jillyn <3 UPDATE: She's fine, her phone had died and she was out longer than she predicted. Thank Gods. Also, this update would've happened sooner but technology hated me today. >__>

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